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Abogar’s Capital Campaign – Multi-Purpose Center and Beyond!

By September 12, 2018August 11th, 2021No Comments

Abogar International Ministries recently has begun intentionally looking for property on the ground in Guatemala, to enable Abogar Guatemala to grow and thrive! As of next month, Abogar Guatemala will no longer have a facility to use for it’s Vidas Nuevas en Villa Nueva (New Lives in the New Village) ministry! After much prayer, discussion, and evaluation it has become apparent that the wisest move for the organization would be to purchase a large property, on which we can build the model that God has given to our Founder and Executive Director, Jesse Rivers.

Below you will see three imaginative portrayals of what the property set-up could look like. We have worked with some professionals on the ground in Guatemala, so the first picture contains Spanish words…

* Casas para tias y abuelas = Houses for aunts and grandmothers (These would be places of housing for widows; enabling them to have employment on the property, as well as to be a part of an extended family for the children.)
* Casa familiares = Family houses (These would be Abogar’s Homes of Hope, where a married Christian couple, male and female, would take in 6-10 children to be a part of the forever family and forever home; never to age out and to always have the stability and security of truly belonging to a family and home.)
* Aulas de capacitacion y oficinas administrativas = Classes/rooms for teaching and administrative offices (This building would specifically be the Multi-Purpose Center, and would contain within it the main offices for Abogar Guatemala, a space for our Vidas Nuevas ministry to continue, offer space for events, community development, economic development, education, health and counseling, as well as spiritual development and formation. This will be the first building that we will construct on the property, once we have purchased the location.)
* Piscina = Pool
*Cancha = Sports field(s)
*Huerto = Garden(s)
Parqueo = Parking
* Egreso = Exit
* Ingreso = Entrance


planta abogar rotulado_v02

casa familiar


While it may be a more lavished portrayal than what the actual final result will look like, these photos greatly portray our vision for moving forward with helping the children in Guatemala. We want to love on them well, and provide safety and stability for them as well. Who does not want to bless and love their child? God is calling us to love on and bless these children!

Jesse Rivers has been on the ground in Guatemala and, with the help of some locals who truly believe in and are committed to Abogar and God’s call to fight for the children, has been able to evaluate several properties. For a fair sized property that would enable the space to build this model, we would need to raise ~$350,000 to just be able to purchase the property! We then would like to get some missions teams together from the US, specifically geared and oriented to construction, to help us do the building projects to make this model a reality in Guatemala! Phase 1 of our Capital Campaign focuses on raising the funds to enable us to purchase the property. So, currently our Phase 1 goal for our Capital Campaign is $350,000.

We seek donors who would like to make an investment in the work of Abogar moving forward, and would even be open to donors who want to do matching amounts, to challenge the people of Guatemala to raise some of the funds on the ground in Guatemala. As this is an urgent need for Abogar Guatemala, the sooner we can raise these funds, the sooner we can ensure the continued ministry and effectiveness of Abogar International Ministries and Abogar Guatemala! Please prayerfully consider today if God is inviting you to invest funds in an eternal purpose of reaching the precious and needy children of Guatemala, providing forever homes, forever families, and educational opportunities! Contact us at if you or someone you know might be interested in considering an investment in this great cause and work!


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