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9 Years Done…

By March 1, 2021August 11th, 2021No Comments

It’s hard to believe that it was 9 years ago today that I, acting in obedience and faith to what God was calling me to, started the founding and building of a non-profit organization; Abogar International Ministries! Happy Birthday Abogar!

9 years of ministry completed! 9 years of great trials and triumphs, tears and smiles, silence and shouts of joyous praise, partnerships and broken promises, forward movement and setbacks, false accusations and undeserved favor, brokenness and beauty, hopes and discouragement, faithful participants and some whom have been unreliable, failures and success, and as you can imagine the list goes on! 9 years completed, and there is so much to praise God for! In everything give thanks (I Thessalonians 5:18)!

After completing 9 hard but amazing years of service to God in the capacity of Founder and CEO, I have learned how little I really know, and how great the need really is for precious children throughout Latin America and around the world! The tragedies and travesties that humanity perpetuates against children around the world is devastating and heartbreaking! However, the many who have joined us, through prayer and financial support, partnerships, and sharing encouragement and counsel, have been of great inspiration for Abogar to continue moving forward! THANK YOU!!

This year’s theme for Abogar is Deeply Rooted, and we believe that we always need to be deeply rooted in Christ, first and foremost. As we focus our work in Guatemala, at this time, we also have become deeply rooted in Guatemala, with some very important partnerships, ministry outputs, and connections to see the further improvement of treatment of children here. We are excited to watch God bring forth great growth and upward movement for His glory, from the roots that have been placed deeply here.

It seems very fitting that we are very close to purchasing our first ever property, on the ground in Guatemala, God-willing! Abogar’s board of directors has come together to raise the funds needed for this property! It is a small and empty lot, but we plan on laying a great foundation, and then, hopefully with help from construction teams from churches in the US, we shall be able to build up! We anticipate an office space, ministry location, and team housing facility on this lot of property. Praise God! Please keep the purchase and the ensuing construction to go smoothly, and to be affordable for our small organization! We are looking to build up, all for God’s glory!

9 years in, and I have so many stories of children’s and families’ lives touched and changed by Abogar’s presence and ministry. 9 years in and there is not a doubt within me that we, Abogar, are exactly where God wants for us to be, doing what He is calling us to! I get excited as I think that this next year of ministry will complete Abogar’s first decade as a ministry. On a personal note, the friends and supporters that have encouraged and counseled me and Abogar in this endeavor have every bit as much right to be proud of what God has done, and will continue to do, in and through Abogar! Thank each of you for your support and participation!

As we remain deeply rooted, we look to grow up greatly, into all that God is inviting us to become. Keep going and keep growing, Abogar! May God continue to be the heart and center of all that we do and are as an organization! All praise to Him always! Happy 9th Birthday Abogar!

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