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Transition Times… Time To Celebrate!

By December 17, 2020August 11th, 2021No Comments

Almost 9 years ago I, Jesse Rivers, in obedience to a specific and clear calling from God, set out on a journey to start and develop a non-profit organization, Abogar International Ministries. As the Founder, CEO, and President of the Board of Directors, I have had to balance and carry out a lot of responsibilities. For almost 9 years now, as I have sat as the President of the Board of Directors, God has faithfully provided incredible and committed people to be a part of the team! It has been amazing to watch the growth and work of such a committed group of people, to meet monthly without compensation; lending their insight, wisdom, and prayerful perspectives and opinions to help direct and guide Abogar along its path of ministry and outreach! It has truly been such a great honor and privilege to serve in this capacity!

Last night I presided over my last official board meeting as President of the Board of Directors! It is nostalgic and a bit bittersweet, but I am excited to announce that in mid-January, 2021, Julie Heisey will pick up the mantle and baton, and step into the position of President of the Board of Directors for Abogar International Ministries! Transition times have come, let us celebrate! Growth and good things are in the works!

Transitioning away from this position will free me up a little more to focus my efforts on the CEO position, and on helping to lead Abogar forward more on the ground in Guatemala and Latin America. Many people are not fond of change, but this is a long anticipated change that makes me very happy. As we expand the voices of influence in our ministry, all pushing for the same mission and vision, each uniquely gifted to contribute in our own specific way, we help to solidify even more what Abogar is all about… fighting for precious children of Latin America to have forever homes, forever families, and educational opportunities; all with Jesus Christ at the center!

Please join me in the celebration of these transition times, and extend a warm and hearty welcome to Julie Heisey as the soon-to-be installed next President of the Board of Directors for Abogar International Ministries!

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