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Peace and Power to Pursue Justice…

By November 23, 2020August 11th, 2021No Comments

Tumultuous times. With the presidential election still undecided in the United States, and with violent protestors attacking and setting the congress building on fire here in Guatemala, we are in tumultuous times. With the covid pandemic paralyzing and halting much of the world’s ‘normal’ activity, we are in tumultuous times. With the natural disasters and man-made disasters that are sweeping across our celestial sphere, it is impossible to not notice that yes, we are in tumultuous times.

I believe that in these tumultuous times, many, including followers of Jesus, have chosen to live in, and out of, fear. As the Bible clearly directs us, God has not given us a spirit to be fearful and timid, but rather that we can live in power and with a sound mind. Unfortunately, I see many people living without surrendering their minds and hearts to God, but rather living in fear of the man-made gods we have allowed to consume our lives (media, technology, entertainment, wealth, etc). I have never, in my 41 years of life, seen this world in such a fearful and paralyzed state.

I believe that our first response to all this should be to seek God and ask what He wants from each of us. How does God, today, desire that you and I would be reflecting His love, light, and truth to this world? Satan wants followers of Jesus to be silenced, and for God’s love to not be able to break down the darkness, evil, and hate on which the Devil thrives. However, God has empowered His followers to have peace. Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:27 (NIV)

While it is true that we are not always able to control the circumstances and situations in which we live, we are fully responsible for how we respond. As I have been praying and reading God’s Word, I have been overwhelmed and convinced by this truth… Still God is giving peace and power to pursue justice. The needs of vulnerable children have grown drastically in these tumultuous times, and their need for justice is urgent, and should not be ignored or belittled because of tumultuous times. The needs of many others have also become more urgent. If we are truly children of God, followers and servants of the Lord Most High, then we should be filled with His peace, which He freely gives, and empowered by His awesome eternity-changing, life-transforming, hell-conquering love… not just to receive and hoard it, but that it would be lived out in the urgency of needs that we see around us.

You may not be called to be an advocate and champion for children, but you ARE always called to love God, yourself, AND your neighbor. Many need encouragement, love, and a word of goodness and hope. God grants us peace and power to bring His justice here on earth. God’s justice is that His love and light will overcome hatred and darkness. YOU are the vessel He is asking to be able to use. He wont force you. He wont shame you. But He DOES invite you to let His love and light shine through you. Walk in the peace and power of God’s justice, a justice that brings love and light even to the least deserving (ME!), and ask God today what response He wants from you! I am certain that He shall give you a peace and power to pursue justice… His justice, a righteous justice, full of love, light, truth, and freedom!

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