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So BIG, So Bad… So BE BETTER!!! (No fear, Know Faith!!)

By April 16, 2013March 3rd, 2024No Comments

Yesterday, April 15th, 2013 was a very sad day for so many people throughout the world who have been impacted by the senseless, stupid, and blatant bomb attacks that took place in Boston, Massachusetts at the Boston Marathon finish line. In the explosions 3 lives have been reported as being lost… one of those lives was that of an 8 year young boy.

After hearing of this tragic attack, I was speaking with a friend of mine who is a runner. She stated that she was afraid and contemplating withdrawing from her scheduled runs for this year. I gently reminded my friend that the enemy’s greatest weapon is fear and intimidation. We have to choose not to be fearful. We have to choose to BE BETTER!! We can’t just withdraw from the scene.

In the face of tragedies so big and so bad, we often have an instinct and response of fear. We may feel overwhelmed and defeated. However, as I was watching the news coverage of the explosions at the Boston Marathon, something really caught my eyes… the right response. After the first explosion, while some were running away in fear (I would probably have been afraid too.), others who were running the marathon, working security, and some other bystanders immediately ran into the area of the explosion to help out the injured!! Rather than letting the fear grip and control them, their immediate response was to become part of the solution and help… to be better!

There are so many things in this world that are so big and so bad, that can cause us to have fear and to flee the scene. However, if we are intentional we can live life without letting fear and intimidation chase us away from the areas that need the most help. The heroes of yesterday’s tragic attacks are all those who ran in the face of danger to be an influence of help to try making things better.

As I think about this huge tragedy, it reminds me of my own weaknesses and fears. There was a long time in my life when I was not ready or willing to step out on such a great endeavor as starting up Abogar International Ministries! My response was fear and feeling overwhelmed by the truth of how big and bad the problem is… more than 10 million children are orphaned throughout Latin America and more than 40 million children live in the streets and dumps of Latin America. I was dodging the scene. But God has lead me to the place of faith, trusting Him to hold me and provide for and protect me as I now run to the scene, rather than flee it! I want to help things be better. I want to see the lives of these kids be changed for the better, that they might have home, a relationship with God, family, stability, and an opportunity filled future.

It is my hope and prayer that more and more of us will rise up to be people who run to the scene of need, rather than flee… even when it seems so big and so bad. May we choose not to walk in fear but rather move in faith; striving to make things better. We cant force others to care or want to make the world a better place, but we can choose for ourselves our own response! Let’s be better!

***Abogar International Ministries grieves the lives that were impacted, injured, and lost in the attack yesterday, especially the life of that little 8 year old boy. We send out our condolences, prayers, and love to all who are grieving and effected by these tragic events. May the God of peace grant you each comfort, healing, and wholeness. Blessings in Jesus Christ.***

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