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Dare To Dream and Live… For Others!

By August 22, 2013March 3rd, 2024No Comments

37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’           —Matthew 25:37-40

Most of us have dreams and goals; ways we want and hope to shape and control our future destination. Sadly though, often our dreams seem to be limited to self-contained and personally beneficial endeavors. The world and cultures in which we live tend to push us to strive for independence and personal accomplishments and achievements. Our measure of success today often appears to be what levels of popularity, power, and personal financial achievements we can attain. 

Matthew 25:31-46 is a very challenging and yet direct passage that shows God’s evaluation of lives that have been successful. In the end we are not evaluated on whether or not we achieved great accomplishments and personal goals. Instead the evaluation is about whether or not we have truly, selflessly loved, blessed, and been present with others in need. How many of us dream to genuinely bless others and help make this world a better place?

I love stories of such people, people who genuinely have cared and dared to dream and live for others… Mother Teresa, William Wilberforce, Martin Luther King Jr, and the list could go on and on. In fact, I know several people today, who may not have the renowned fame of some of the big names I have previously mentioned, but who are truly dreaming and living for the good and benefit of others. These people are always an inspiration to me, to really live for others and for a higher calling.

Martin Luther King Jr. is often remembered most by his famous “I have a dream…” speech. His life was lived in such a way as to dream for better treatment and a better future that would impact a large, disrespected, and poorly treated population of people, which he himself was from. While I am in no way idealistic or wanting to insinuate such a platform to speak myself, I do have a dream, and that dream also is for the better treatment and better future for a large, disrespected, and poorly treated population from which I also come out of… children in foster care, living in the streets, orphaned, and also youth at risk!

I dare to dream and live for the purpose of seeing some of them have an opportunity-filled future! I dare to dream that the church, the genuine followers and servants of Jesus Christ, will rise up and effectively mitigate the horrific plight of these children throughout the world. I have a dream that hearts will become truly engaged to see these kids allowed the opportunity to grow, flourish, know stability, security, and Christ-centered homes! I have a dream that God’s heart permeates the hearts of His followers and believers and that we will be faithful to give what we can, go where we can, love more than we think we can, and share more with these kids than they could ever imagine! This dream is not self-enhancement, self-promotion, or self-beneficial… rather my dream is that so many children will never have to know the struggle of a life alone, fighting to make it, frowned upon and stereotyped at every turn, and never offered love or opportunity. This is my dream, and I am living it as well… as I run Abogar International Ministries. I don’t do it perfectly, but I wont give up. God’s heart is for these children, and my heart longs for the things of God’s heart.

How about you? Do you dare to dream and live for others? Has God put children on your heart? How can you become involved? Join Abogar International Ministries on our Xposure Xperience in October (, become a regular financial partner, get involved with the youth at your local church/fellowship, give of your talents and times to mentor and love a child in foster care or in an orphanage near you, or even contact us here at Abogar to find other ways you can be involved!

Dare To Dream and Live… For Others!

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