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Choose To Be a Miracle for Someone Else…

By December 10, 2013March 3rd, 2024No Comments

How torn I find myself so often, striving to run Abogar International Ministries in the way that most glorifies God and brings about His will to help the beautiful children of Latin America. While we function as a nonprofit, I am too often reminded that money is a major issue and concern to help us fulfill God’s will for us as an organization. As the year ends, and we are significantly behind budget, Satan comes to declare over me failure and weakness. In these times, I need to remind myself of the miracle I experienced when I was 7 years old.

A very dirty, smelly, obnoxious, and unloved 7 year old was I. I was told how worthless, stupid, dirty, and smelly people thought I was. Satan strived to convince me that I was nothing but a worthless failure. There were lies poured all over me of my insignificance. And yet one day a miracle happened in my life. In walked Cheryl and Tom (nicknames used to protect identity); a Christian couple who lived down the road from where I lived. They came to witness to the very abusive biological mother and stepfather. While they faced resistance, Cheryl and Tom were able to convince the ‘parental’ figures to allow me to go to church with them on Sundays. At their own expense, Cheryl and Tom faithfully would come get me for Sunday School and Church on Sundays, as well as to often provide food for my starving belly. Cheryl ended up being my Sunday School teacher and filled an unknown hunger within me by introducing me to Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord. I am not sure to this day if she knows what a miracle she and Tom have been in my life. While they invested financially in my life a bit, it was their demonstration of God’s love to me that forever would change my heart and life.

Cheryl and Tom chose to trust God and be present in an opportunity that He was inviting them into, without knowledge of what impact, if any, their obedience would have. Without knowing so, their faithful obedience was a way that they chose to be a miracle not only to me but also to the world that God has been working through my life to touch. Cheryl and Tom were not trying to be heroes. They were just being obedient to a prompting of the Holy Spirit for them to have a consistent presence in my life, sharing the Gospel and showing me Jesus’ love. The miracle that they have both been may not get its full recognition and praise until we get to the flipside of heaven, but the impact that the miracle they were/are in my life has led me in a ripple effect to love on and bless others in the name of Jesus. This year alone, while serving for Abogar International Ministries, I have been blessed to see more than 20 children in Latin America accept Jesus as Savior and more than 40 commit to serve and follow Jesus Christ as their Lord. It excites me to think of the stored up treasures in heaven one day that both Tom and Cheryl will have for allowing God to use them to be a miracle for someone else… me!

As I think about our funding needs, the children always being my motivation and focus, I see great opportunity for others to choose also to be a miracle for someone else! While you may not be able yourselves to be present with the kids, sharing the Gospel, food, and provisions, you CAN choose to be a miracle for someone else by helping Abogar International Ministries meet our first year end budget amount by making a tax-deductible donation. Coercion and guilt are horrible reasons to give, but cheerful hearts that want to bless and impact the Kingdom of God by enabling us to reach even more of the children in Latin America is what we look for! II Corinthians 9:7 encourages us not to give out of compulsion or force, but from a thankful and cheerful heart!

Please prayerfully consider if God is inviting you to step up and choose to be a miracle for a needy child today! One day, many years ago, Cheryl and Tom made such a decision and now my life is a testimony and ripple of their drop of obedience and love for the Lord! Please visit our support page at to see how you can make a year end tax-deductible donation for Abogar International Ministries and choose to be a miracle for someone else!

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