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The Best Gift…

By December 25, 2013No Comments

Sitting here this Christmas morning, reflecting on the significance of what this day represents in the faith and life of those who truly follow and serve Jesus Christ, and I am overwhelmed by the gift to humanity that Jesus Christ truly is. Coming as a babe into a world of darkness, poverty, sin, and selfishness to selflessly not only lay in a humble manger, but also to humbly lay down His life for the sins and sinners of the world; that those who will believe in the crazy story of a child-king coming to rescue humanity from themselves and their sin might know salvation and a powerful peace and presences of God that passes all understanding. What a gift!

This babe wrapped in swaddling cloth upon the manger, an entrance into the world so unobtrusive, would alter the history of the world and eternity. Receiving gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh from Magi Jesus gave back a gift by coming to earth. Today we celebrate His coming, and what a great gift this was. But there is a greater gift that this day points us to. Jesus not only broke into time and space of humanity by coming and walking this earth, but living a perfect, sinless life He went to the cross as the perfect sacrifice for our sins. Praise God that death could not hold Him, the grave couldn’t keep Him, and our sins couldn’t conquer Him! With His resurrection from the dead He broke the weight and grip of death, hell, sin, and separation from God.

As Jesus was returning to heaven, He left us with a promise of the best gift. He will be coming again! And when He does, it wont be as a babe! When Jesus returns it will be for those of us who remain faithful to follow and serve Him. This Christmas day may we focus on the importance of this day, on the best gift we ever could… Jesus Christ, who is coming again and expects us to be ready for His return. What a great gift it will be to be with Him!


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