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Meet An Angel…

By November 23, 2014August 11th, 2021No Comments


God’s plan for mankind is so much greater than any of our own plans, no matter how grandiose or horrible our plans may be. His handiwork and orchestration is amazing to watch. This last month, while I was in Guatemala, I got to see some of that handiwork of God as I met Angel.

It took place at a children’s home that is doing amazing work there in Guatemala. God Bless The Children Home of Guatemala has taken in 18 children into the home. They are truly creating a Christ-centered home and family for the children there. As I entered with Mike, one of Abogar’s board members, we met the amazing couple, Cinthya and David, running/parenting the home. We sat with them in the living room. Almost immediately an influx of children came into the room; varying in age. While I am unaware of the oldest child’s age, the youngest was just a couple weeks old.

As Mike and I sat there, we had the amazing experience of watching a little chubby cheeked boy come bounding down the steps toward us, filled with joy and a big smile on his face. He seemed to be about three years old. As little Angel came down those stairs, headed right toward Mike and me, I was filled with great gratitude to Cinthya and David (and the many great volunteers and staff that help as well) for the great work they are doing to offer these children a safe, secure, Christ-centered home and family! Angel came right up to Mike and me and was smiling and playful. I got to pick him up and hold him as we spoke with Cinthya and David.

Cinthya proceeded to share Angel’s story… His biological mother, 7 months pregnant with him, decided to try to have an abortion. In the attempt to abort baby Angel some of his fingers and his right leg were cut off! However, God had a bigger plan for Angel’s life than for his immediate death. The abortion attempt failed and just over a month later the mother had to go to the hospital to give birth to Angel. However, the mother, for whatever reasons she had, decided to abandoned the child. The doctors then decided to give this newborn boy the name Angel… and what an Angel he is. Angel has a prosthetic leg, though you wouldn’t know it if you saw him. He was so full of joy and has the most adorable smile. He is alive and living vibrantly.

I know God’s plan for Angel is so much greater than what his biological mother could have imagined, and even greater than you and I imagine. He saved Angel for the hand of death and gave him life. God provided a loving home for him with great parents and volunteers/staff. Angel has a story of being unwanted but then being rescued, redeemed, and loved. We at Abogar are working to see children have this opportunity. I am so blessed to have met Angel, and I pray that his story touches your heart and moves you deeper into the heart of God for children throughout Latin America that do not yet have Christ-centered home, family, or education!!

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