By God’s grace He has called me, Jesse, to move here to Guatemala to live, work, and minister for His glory; sharing His love and light to children who are in need of homes, family, and education. It is quite unbelievable to me that it’s already been six months, and yet at the same time it feels like it’s been years!
These 6 months have contained within them so many experiences, trials, challenges, victories, hardships, and growth. From living in a children’s home, to renting a room in a private home, to chauffeuring children to and from school, doctors, court, and other appointments, to stateside connections, experiences, and victories, to volunteering in a different ministry and becoming a professor of English there… these six months surely have been jam packed full!
There have been so many great moments; as well as many hard and challenging ones. I have seen my weaknesses shine brightly but God’s strength and grace shine even brighter. He has surely called the least qualified; one who is very weak… me! As some aspects of being here in Guatemala have gone way better than expected, there are things that I feel like my weaknesses hinder moving forward well. But then He whispers… “My grace is sufficient, always.”
While cold showers, critters and insects of detestable size and species, car problems, transportation issues, health issues, emotional and spiritual attacks from Satan, and personal issues have all reared their heads and pointed their fingers at my huge weakness, God’s great power, love, and grace have not wavered. Nor has His faithful presence and Spirit! I have cried out a few times recently to Him to take away these attacks, or at least my weakness in them. He gently whispers… “My grace is sufficient, always.”
I am human… trying to pursue the life a perfect, holy, awesome, and gracious God has been calling me to. My weakness does not discredit His call, nor does it detract from what He can, has, and will accomplish in the life of an obedient servant; no matter how weak I may be! I am 6 months in to my time here in Guatemala as a missionary, and I am certain that God’s grace is sufficient, always!