Dear Friends… As Christmas is quickly approaching, and the year is coming to a close, we would like to invite each one of you to prayerfully consider making a year end tax-deductible gift to Abogar International Ministries!! We have a Christmas Challenge to sponsor 15 children in Guatemala to be able to receive quality, Christ-centered education, to provide some healthy snacks and drinks, and to help provide for one teacher’s salary! Please consider blessing the children with great education!
Also, we have a Capital Campaign goal of $50,000, to move forward to be seeking out and purchasing some property in Guatemala to further our ministry there!
Finally, we are considerably short on our annual budget amount! We need to raise ~$32,000 to reach our budget this year. 2015 was our first year making our budget, and we would love to keep reaching it, for the glory of God!
Would you prayerfully consider joining with us? Abogar International Ministries is a tax exempt 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, recognized by the US IRS. All gifts are tax deductible and an investment in eternal rewards as well!!