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2016 President’s Year End Report

By January 18, 2017August 11th, 2021No Comments

For the purpose of confidentiality and to protect the integrity and privacy of different organizations, persons, and events, the following President’s 2016 Year End Report has been revised to specifically be made available to you, our prayer supporters and financial supporters, our encouragers and friends! We hope that this report helps you to have a little more insight into how we are moving forward as we walk together!


2016 was an incredible year of God’s faithfulness and presence to continue carrying Abogar International Ministries forward; as we have been working on behalf of children who are orphaned and/or homeless, and youth at risk throughout Latin America. The Lord has blessed the activities, work, and ministry of Abogar greatly this year. It is with great praise, appreciation, and adoration to God that I, Jesse Rivers, serving as President and CEO for Abogar International Ministries, submit this 2016 Year End Report.

Since Abogar’s beginning on March 1st, 2012 there have been many trials and triumphs. 2016 was no exception to this truth. We choose to praise God through them all, knowing that He is faithful to bring to completion that which He has begun in us, and in Abogar.

2016 started with me residing in Guatemala, working to raise up leadership and a board of directors for Abogar’s Guatemalan branch; Asociacion Abogar Guatemala (AboGua). I have been focused on leadership development, as well as networking and fostering relationships to discern the best candidates for our board of directors for AboGua. For most of this year I have also been serving as a youth leader, in a leadership team, with a youth group in Guatemala that is mostly made up of children from an orphanage/children’s home. I also have been focused on fostering and developing our relationships and commitments with our established partnerships, as well as new ones. As I still reside in in Guatemala, I am quite excited that this past year (2016) has been filled with great successes and movement forward for the glory of God.


2016 was a year on the move… preaching, teaching, loving, and serving precious people and children… and I am so blessed to see eternity touched and changed as we love on and share the love of God with many children in need. The millions of children still without home, family, and education throughout Latin America (and quite honestly, around the world) await the arrival of help. It is the passion of Abogar, of God Himself and His very heart, that these children not be forgotten, ignored, unnoticed, and unloved. May we be able to reach even more in 2017!

Reality is this: while we may not be able to reach all or even many, each one to whom we can reach is one more life valued, saved, and changed for the glory of God. I am reminded of the Starfish Story; a little boy saving stranded starfish, one at a time, recognizing that, though he could not help/save them all, for each one he could help it mattered! As we continue laying a good foundation in Guatemala for Asociacion Abogar Guatemala to rise up for the children, we must walk, work, and wait patiently with God for His provision and timing. Let us not be so focused on quantity and numbers that we miss the blessing of each life that has been touched and transformed by God; using Abogar as a vessel and tool through which He is reaching the children! To each one, it truly matters!

While questions and challenges may present themselves, as we look ahead and consider where and how we are moving forward in 2017, it is important to remember that 2016 was a year of unexpected blessings and connections. Though fundraising did not accomplish reaching our 2016 budget, we have raised enough to put 15 students through schooling in the year of 2017, as well as to get BIG RED (Abogar’s vehicle) on the ground in Guatemala! Our board of directors has grown, both for Abogar International Ministries and Asociacion Abogar Guatemala, and we have an increased interest in our ministry in many places. While we may have hoped and been able to have moved forward more, for these steps of growth and success that we have achieved thus far we are extremely grateful to God! Let us rejoice in the victories and blessings God has given in 2016, and be sure to fully place our trust in Him and where He is calling us in 2017! To God be the glory!


  • 4th Annual Board of Directors Retreat (January, 2016 – Riverside, California)
  • 12 Board Meetings
  • 150+ Speaking opportunities (formal and informal)
  • 1 Nominated Candidate for National Director of Asociacion Abogar Guatemala (Installed 1/07/2017!!)
  • 1 New Public Relations Specialist
  • 1 New Executive Assistant
  • 7 Active and Participating Board Members (Abogar International Ministries)
  • 6 Active and Participating Board Members (Asociacion Abogar Guatemala)
  • 2,478 followers of Abogar’s Blog (+295 since last year)
  • 15 children sponsored for schooling for 2017
  • 100+ children introduced to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord
  • 1 Xposure Xperience team in Guatemala (We partnered with Paradise Bound Ministries, to give our team the best exposure and experience with the children as possible.)
    • 5 homes were constructed (26 people made decisions accepting Jesus Christ)
    • 1 medical clinic was led
    • Jesus Film was shown (~50 people made decisions accepting Jesus Christ)
  • Second Annual Abogar 1:27 Run (Farm Fun 5k Run)
  • Christmas Blessing – Mexico (8 youth accepted Jesus Christ)
  • Christmas Blessing – Guatemala (at least 26 youth accepted Jesus Christ)
  • ~ 5200 views on (almost the same as last year)
  • 1,696 viewers on (up ~30 viewers from last year)
  • 61 Countries had viewers come to our site
  • 37 New Posts/Pages (+17 posts compared to last year)
  • 618 Likes on Abogar’s Facebook (+98 since last year)


As 2016 has come to an end, and 2017 is off to a great start, we are pleased with the growth and triumphs that Abogar has experienced this past year! The trials and challenges that we have faced have served to refine and prune us to be more effective and focused in our mission to see these precious children have Christ-centered forever families, forever homes, and educational opportunities! We are also aware of challenges that face our organization as we move forward. We will persevere in pursuing God’s heart and call for these children to receive His love, and the provisions they desperately need. There is a great hope, excitement, and expectancy to watch God move in and through Abogar in 2017 to reach more children for His glory.

Thank you to each of you for your participation, commitment, prayer support, financial support, time, encouragement, and effort to help me and Abogar to move forward! None of the successes of Abogar are attainable without your very valuable prayers, donations, encouragement and help! We look forward to serving at your sides in 2017, for us to see God’s will and work being fulfilled amongst the precious children! Thank you again, and God’s rich blessings to each of you!

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