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Vidas Nuevas Ministry

By August 31, 2018August 11th, 2021No Comments

3 answer to prayer

Dear Friend(s),

Thank you to those of you who have joined us so far this year in raising funds for the mission and vision of Abogar! In June, the Board of Directors approved a $990 increase to the budget after its mid-year review. The increase was due to some adjustments in personnel, which brings the new total for the 2018 Budget to $86,090. The monthly need for us to reach our budget is $7,174.

One specific way you can be involved in helping us reach our budget is to support our Vidas Nuevas en Villa Nueva Ministry, which serves children in the low-income community of Villa Nueva. Many of the children who attend each week experience abandonment of parents, abusive home situations, threats of gang violence against their families, etc. On Saturdays, these children enjoy a break from the harsh realities of their lives to participate in games, crafts, fun and a Bible lesson. They also experience much needed appropriate and positive attention, affection, guidance and love by the volunteers. One of the young boys thanked our Vidas Nuevas Supervisor, Yesenia, for her prayers for his parents who often physically fight each other. That little boy’s prayers are being heard and God is intervening in the lives of his father and mother.

Last year we learned that by the end of October 2018 the space that is being generously provided for the Vidas Nuevas ministry will no longer be available. To keep the ministry running consistently a new location will need to be located by December 2018. Abogar is currently seeking options for rent or purchase to provide a safe place where the Vidas Nuevas ministry can be held and may provide space for offices and future ministry programs.

2018 Second Quarter Fundraising Letter

Please prayerfully consider investing in the Vidas Nuevas ministry and the work of Abogar to impact the lives of a multitude of children in Latin America. See the enclosed pledge options for details on how you can donate and/or serve as a prayer partner.

May you and your family be blessed and prosperous in the Lord!

The Executive Team

Jesse Rivers (President)

Mike Holland (Vice President)

Karen Wilson (Secretary)

Laura Stoner (Treasurer)


Pledge Options for Abogar International Ministries

Option 1 – Special Kids School: Donate toward the salaries of three teachers who have made financial sacrifices to work and serve at a small village school. These teachers do wonderful work teaching academics and biblical truths to preschool children of the families of rival gangs. The school is a haven for the children and a respected institution in the community that is the war grounds for these rival gangs.
Option 2 – Vidas Nuevas en Villa Nueva: This ministry meets every Saturday to provide a meal, activities and Bible lesson to children of a low-income community in Villa Nueva. It also serves to promote forever families by strengthening the families of the children. Your donation will go toward supplies for the ministry and may go toward the expenses of a new location, as the current location will not be usable in the near future.
Option 3 – Advocacy and Administrative: Your donation will empower us to advocate to Guatemalans and others on the behalf of the children, to see their needs met and lives changed. Administration costs include many things; a vehicle, personnel expenses, travel expenses, materials and other resources.
Option 4 – Personnel Support: Without our full-time and part-time staff members there would be no Abogar International Ministries. Support the workers by making a donation toward the salaries of our CEO, Jesse Rivers, our new Guatemalan Assistant to the Director, Yesenia Gonzalez, and our Finance Manager, Laura Stoner.
Option 5 – Capital Campaign: Donate toward the first Abogar property to enable us to have a central location, greater presence in Guatemala and to provide home and family to precious children in need. We would like to start with a multi-purpose center, that would give us a base to grow our outreach and ministry throughout Guatemala. As we have evaluated space needed and location, it has become our Campaign goal to raise $350,000 as the initial stage. Your generous, tax-deductible gift towards this will help us further stabilize and strengthen our effectiveness in reaching these children for the glory of God.


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