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In Trying Times… Letter from Abogar’s CEO

By March 17, 2020August 11th, 2021No Comments

Dear Prayer Supporters, Financial Supporters, and Interested Parties of Abogar,

We find ourselves living in trying times in these days. With much fear and uncertainty that has infiltrated the whole world, one must maintain a clear mind and a disciplined life before God. With sickness, pestilence, and plague affecting large geographical areas around the globe, children suffering in all parts, the innocent and defenseless being murdered daily, how can we not be moved to want to somehow help? However, there are limitations due to the coronavirus, and the fears of it, that have caused for many governments to impose strong restrictions. In light of such restrictions, we want to encourage people to comply with their local and national authorities, so far as compliance is not in compromise of health or safety.

Prayer is always a very important way to help others, and I would encourage us to each ramp up our prayer life and commitment to intercession for our families, friends, communities, and for the global community as well!  James 5:16 tells us to confess our sins to each other and pray for each other, so that we may be healed! This verse also reminds us that, “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective!” Let us be about prayer! Let us be powerful and effective with our prayers, for God’s glory!

I am finding great resolve and comfort in knowing that none of the craziness in our world has caught God off guard. He is not surprised nor overwhelmed by sickness, calamity, nor the atrocities that are taking place around the earth. While it is very important that we are careful and wise in our actions (and responses), may we also be full of faith to truly trust God’s powerful hand and faithful presence through it all. My life verses, Proverbs 3:5-6, encourage us to trust God with all of our heart and to not lean on our own understanding. I confess that there is much in this world that I just do not understand. These verses conclude with an encouragement for us to keep God at the forefront and center of everything! As we at Abogar are striving to do this, it is with a great peace and calm, and we wish the same for each of you.

May we love lavishingly, care compassionately, and walk wisely each day. May our footprints, smiles, eyes, and lives bear great resemblance to the love of God. And may we be a people that provoke great faith, rather than gross fear! Enjoy the slow down that is mandatory, and reconnect with loved ones. Rekindle passions and dreams, and care well for those who you can. Let us become slow to speak and quick to listen, and slow to be come angry (James 1:19)! May our responses become more what Christ would speak through us, than what our emotions would speak. Let us love like Jesus, always!

On another note, today marks the 5 year mark for when Abogar first moved me here to Guatemala. Who could have known or imagined all that would transpire in these five years? Praise God that His plan always prevails, and that He is never surprised by the events that take place on this earth! In these 5 years I’ve served in a children’s home, worked for another children’s home, been a youth pastor, have helped to start and lead Abogar’s Vidas Nuevas ministry, have carried the casket of a child whose death could have been prevented, seen another child murdered in cold blood, have helped rescue a family from a gang that was threatening the lives of their children, have helped to see a newly widowed woman and her three fatherless children to pay off the title of their home from a rich loan-holder, and have developed relationships with many children, volunteers, and ministries here… just to list some of things that have happened.

None of the accomplishments and forward progress that I and Abogar have made here would be possible without your generous prayer and financial support. Thank you very much for your continued support! We can not do what we do without you! In these trying times, your continued help makes it possible for us to continue to love on and fight for children! Thank you!!

Jesse Rivers
President, CEO
Abogar International Ministries

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