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A Year in the Making… Happy Birthday, Abogar International Ministries!!

By March 5, 2013March 3rd, 2024No Comments

March 1st, 2012… This was the day that I, Jesse Rivers, set out on a journey that has impacted, is impacting, and will continue to impact the course and direction of my life for the rest of my life! March 1st of 2012 was the day that I started forth in the process of founding, beginning, creating, and carry the dream, vision, and organization of Abogar International Ministries! It was a huge step of faith, as finances and circumstances of my life do not offer great stability or security, and therefore it is with arms wrapped around God, clinging in faith, that I embarked on this journey to which God has called me.

Happy 1st year birthday to Abogar International Ministries! While it is not a legally and officially recognized date for the birth of AbogarIM, I know that it was that day one year ago that I began the intentional process and determination to, by God’s grace and calling, raise up Abogar as a vessel through which God will be able to impact and change the lives of a multitude of children who are orphaned and/or living in the streets throughout Latin America.

This first year has been so fraught with trials and triumphs, challenges and blessings, roadblocks and advancements. I am in awe of the very real and present hand and blessing of God upon our work at Abogar. I am excited to see what this next year holds for blessings and progressions for Abogar as well. While we are yet in the foundational and formational period of getting Abogar International Ministries firmly established with integrity, accountability, and great Christian Character, it is amazing to look back over this past year and see how much God has already done in and through Abogar.

While in the first year of the life of a child we can see so much growth and progression, wisdom tells us that there is yet so much more growth and formation that will take place in the life of that child. This is true too for Abogar International Ministries. While there is so much growth to praise God for, we can know that there is so much more to look forward in this coming year, and the many that will follow. We can’t predict the future, but we can be and are certain that God’s hand, blessing, and direction are upon Abogar International Ministries and we are excited to watch as God continues to lead us forward!

On a final note, seeing a baby be healthy and grow well requires incredible investment of time, money, resources, and prayer. Abogar International Ministries also needs investments of time, money, resources, and prayer to continue growing and maturing in the work we are doing for God’s glory. Please prayerfully consider how you can be involved in helping us to grow! If you are interested in giving financial support, a ‘birthday gift’, monthly gifts, or a one time donation, please see our page to find out how you can receive tax credit for your donation. If you want to offer resources to help out AbogarIM, please send us a message to and let us know. If you want to invest time and/or prayer, please also send us an email and let us know! You can also sign up to receive the blog posts in your email as well! This ‘baby’ is growing, and we believe it will grow real big and continue being a blessing and tool for God to use to impact the lives of the children throughout Latin America!

Happy Birthday Abogar International Ministries! May there be many more years of celebrating the life and work of AbogarIM!!

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