At His death, He knew the pain of rejection, loneliness, and abandonment. Throughout His life, He faced misunderstanding and persecution. His life was close to the broken-hearted, and He came to the earth for the poor… Jesus came to the earth… to be a Word of life-abundant for us. He came to release the captives, feed the children, heal and save our souls. He came to the poor… We, too, must go to the poor, wherever the poor may be. In the darkness of the lonely streets there are children for whom we must arise and live with uplifted hands and outstretched arms on their behalf. There are people who are poor – really poor – who aren’t given the opportunity to live and breathe as they should… There are children who suffer, and in their prayers, they are asking for miracle. —Danielle Speakman – “Nothing But a Thief”
The immensity of the problem that exists for children around the world really hurts my heart; tremendously hurts my heart. The child in me remembers having no one who would fight for me, advocate for me, protect me, nor intervene in the very abusive situation in which I lived. It was worse than prison. Yet, even in all the abuse and pain of my childhood, God somehow saw fit to have me born in a nation where there were/are resources, opportunities, and ways to go from rags to riches, abuse and neglect to freedom and provision. While my material and financial riches are very few, the richness of resources around me to escape abuse and poverty were immense. For these I do praise God. Yet millions of children around the world do not have these resources and opportunities.
Having traveled in numerous ‘developing’ countries, seeing the immense and utter poverty of the earth, I have been humbled to realize my fortune. Many of the children of the earth have no resources, opportunities, nor voice. Religion often would teach me to just do the best I can and make the most of my life. Religion may applaud my lack of drug use, lack of addictions, and my attendance in church. However, “religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this; to look after orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world” (James 1:27). I can not be still, silent, or lackadaisical about the plight of these children. If I, if we, don’t look after the orphaned children, who will?
Jesus came and was a miracle to the earth. Many missed it because the miracle they sought was a war hero who would overthrow the Roman rule and domination. They were caught up in the immediate (as much of the religion and people of the world seem to be today). Jesus’ miracle was His presence amongst the poor, orphaned, widowed, outcast, sinful, and sick of society. Rather than seeking recognition and a special place with the high and mighty of society, He sought to be with the larger population… those in need of love, freedom, healing, and transformation. His smile, His touch, His presence, His words, and His love brought immediate change in people’s lives; as well as change to their future destination! Jesus was a miracle to people because He was the presence of genuine, sincere, authentic LOVE! He loved people as they were and where they were, but with such a love that would not settle to leave them where they were at!! Jesus’ love compelled people to change for the better!
This causes me to pose a challenge to us, you and me… Let us also be miracles!! Whether you believe Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior or not, we can each choose to pursue the model He lived out for us! We too can be miracles to the poor, hurting, needy, orphaned, widowed, sick, and outcast of the world!! We can love others; genuinely, generously, and sacrificially! It was NOT an easy life that Jesus lived, but the sacrifices and suffering He endured were done out of His miraculous love. I am sorry that I can’t promise you it will be easy living and being like Jesus… But I can promise that we too can be miracles as we receive, embrace, and then live out of His miraculous love!! It means going where its hard, investing our time and talents in ways that will not be applauded, recognized, or seen by most. It means being present with the children and people who so desperately need someone to be a voice, a resource, and opportunity of love for them! Its not idealistic… Its actual. It can happen. But we have to make a choice! Will you choose to BE A MIRACLE?!?! I am choosing daily to be a miracle, and while it is hard it is AWESOME!!
Let’s be like Jesus!! Lets be a miracle!!