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Longings for the Lord… and more!

By August 14, 2012March 3rd, 2024No Comments

I am finding it strange that I am 33 years old and still have such a longing to have family, to be part of family… to know the feeling and experience of having home. I do not find it strange though, that after walking 25+ years with the Lord that I still have a longing for Him! I also am longing to honor God greatly as I help lead Abogar International Ministries. I am longing for God raise up great leaders and servants to be a part of this organization, as well as prayer and financial support to make it possible to accomplish it’s great purposes for the glory of God! Praise His holy name that He has placed such desires within me, as I do believe that these desires are of Him!

As I think about the orphaned children and street children throughout Latin America (as well as around the world) my heart hurts significantly; knowing that they each have some of these longings as well. While many of them may not recognize or be aware of their longing for God, I am certain that most if not all are aware of their longing for home, family, and the sense of belonging! I have been blessed to be born where I was, and to have the opportunities I have had to be able to obtain education and experience some sort of stability in my life. Many of these orphaned children and street children will never get to know these opportunities you or I have been able to know, unless someone steps in and helps them, loves them, and walks with them.

Jesus gives a great model for this… as He stepped into time in history amongst humanity, loved on the broken, sinful, and rejected of society, and walked with His disciples to set them an example! As I long to be a minister to the orphaned children, street children, and youth at risk throughout Latin America… I am learning that the greatest longing of my life will be the only way I can get there… longing for Jesus!! I long for the Lord, and I long that He will make me more like Him… make us, His children, more like Him. Without Him, I have nothing to offer these children. Abogar International Ministries has nothing to offer these children, if we do not first and foremost offer them the opportunity to know Jesus Christ in a life-long eternity changing love relationship!

This longing is a hunger and thirst for the presence, power, and purposes of God to be manifest in my life and ministry, so that He would receive all the glory! What do you truly long for? Is the Lord your longing today? Does your heart long to help these children as well? Do you want to impact these children in Latin America for the glory of God? Please dont hesitate to email me, and let me know how you feel God calling you! Can you give (financially, prayerfully, time wise, in service, through how you love your neighbor) more of your life to God and the purposes and plans of God to change this world for His glory?!?! Another longing I have is that you may be perfectly centered in the will of God for your life, as you seek and serve Him however and wherever He clearly leads you!! Blessings to all, in the love and power of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

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