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By June 3, 2013March 3rd, 2024No Comments

WARNING!! You may not want to read this specific blog!! I will not be gentle or soft in this blog post today, because someone needs to cry out for the children, and I am burdened so strongly in my spirit that inaction is one of our biggest sins in the eyes of God!! So, if you do not want to feel convicted, challenged, or burdened… STOP READING!!

I, Jesse Rivers, have been striving to start and run this organization for the glory of God because I have firsthand experience and knowledge of the plight of the children throughout this world! I also have firsthand knowledge of the lives of the lavished, extravagant, rich, and gluttonous of the world! The disparity between the ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’ of this world is horrific and inexcusable! I know a multitude of the ‘have nots’ are children, suffering beautiful little children, who have no choice what situation they are born into.

Having just recently returned from Guatemala, a land plagued with malnutrition and poverty, my heart is breaking for how hard it is to really get people involved in changing the lives of these children! Please consider reading the following PBS article that talks about the malnourishment of Guatemala’s children (just one little country amongst dozens more). A very similar article/news report could be given for most of the nations throughout Latin America and the Carribbean (and throughout the world)!

So why am I sharing this? Am I another ranting fanatic, trying to make myself feel good by telling others what to do and how to help? No! I am sharing this to challenge us to be the difference! It is true that we can’t solve world hunger in a moment, nor right the world’s wrongs with the flip of a switch… but we can help one child, one organization, one church, one missionary to make the lives of these children better.. to not only give them the nourishing food that their bodies so desperately need, but also the Bread of Life!

Help is needed!! NOW it’s NEEDED!! NOW!! Will you help? There are many organizations, churches, and missionaries that need help to reach these children. Consider helping one! Help us here at Abogar to continue growing in our outreach to these very precious children! Please consider making a donation today, that will invest in the lives of children in Latin America, working to help them have home, education, food, stability, safety, and security. These blessings are not only for us, nor are they for us to hoard!! Help today! Help NOW! Thank you for your support, your help, your investment… These children need more people like you!

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