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Whom can I send?!

By July 15, 2013March 3rd, 2024No Comments

He has shown you, oh man, what is good and what the Lord does require of you. To do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God.         — Micah 6:8

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here I am! Send me!”     — Isaiah 6:8

This past week was an incredible time of ministering to a specific youth group and their leaders in Pennsylvania; as they did a youth outreach week in their community to share the love, light, and presence of God by helping others. God has so burdened my heart for youth, and I was so blessed to be offered the time and position to be the guest speaker to share into their lives. While I was the one hired to be ministering, I feel as though these kids did some amazing ministering to me, my heart, and my life too!

This past week has reminded me though, of the immense hurts and needs of the children here in the United States, as well as around the earth! God’s heart for His children is that we would be doing justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with Him. He asks of us whom He can send to love and touch others who do not yet know Him. The harvest is ready but the workers are few! I have responded… “Here I am! Send me!” And He has sent me, as a missionary and advocate for the children of Latin America! However, He wants to send people HERE in the U.S. to help our children too!! Followers of Jesus need to rise up and answer His call, that the children here too may know of His love and salvation for them!

I am called to Latin America, for such a time as this! Where are you called? Do you know the kids in your block, down the street, in the local schools? Do they have fathers present? Mothers? Is there abuse, drugs, addiction, neglect? You would be surprised to know just how many of our youth here in the U.S. are hurting, badly hurting,.. and they need someone to be the hands and feet of Jesus in their lives! I would not be faithful to God if I desert my work in Latin America, but I challenge and call out to the believers in Christ to rise up and step into the lives of the multitude of kids here in the U.S. that need positive and godly influences in their lives. As I am able to, while here in the U.S, I want my life to challenge, inspire, and help our youth to know Christ and His immense love and plan for them. But we need so many others to step up and go to the children of your communities! Please prayerfully consider being a local missionary within your own communities to these children!

I sense God asking, “Whom shall I send?” Will you respond… “Here I am! Send me!”… or will you turn a blind eye to the needs of these dear children who need you to love them? Let us be the hands, feet, light, and love of Jesus to these children and offer them hope and a better future! Its not a game or ideal! Its a decision, and it could change their lives forever!! Ask God where He wants you… AND GO… Be Jesus with flesh on to a world needing His light, love, and truth!

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