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A List of Needs… Interested?

By March 14, 2018August 11th, 2021No Comments

I, Jesse Rivers, have been convicted recently that one of the reasons we encounter, especially in ministry, great need without great provision is because we do not ask. You have not because you ask not… Well, today I am going to just put up a list of needs that Abogar International Ministries and Abogar Guatemala have. Please look it over and prayerfully consider how you may be able to help us to have provision for the things that we need! Thank you very much, and God bless you each richly!

  • Microphone and speaker to be best heard in our ministries.
  • A large dry erase board and stand.
  • An Executive Assistant (US based) for Abogar International Ministries.
  • Someone to help design visual concepts of our plans for Homes of Hope.
  • Funding/Sponsorship specifically for me, Abogar’s Founder and CEO, to be able to receive a regular and fair salary.
  • Finances for our annual budget (~$8,000 a month).
  • Finances for food and materials for our Vidas Nuevas ministry.
  • Someone to help Abogar improve our social media presence and webpage.

If any of these areas of need peek your interest, or you feel called to join us in the ministry and work of Abogar, through prayer support, financial support, or investing time and talent… please reach out to us at and let us know! Rich blessings to you all, as you seek and serve God above all else!

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